This blog on New Caledonia is for those of you who ever wondered what life on a tiny island in the South Pacific might be like. Tired of bracing winter winds, the stress of an inner city or simply dreaming of a life change? This is a blog about what happens when, in the words of Yogi Berra, "you come to a fork in the road, [and] take it".

18 May 2007

1st Trimester of Lycée: Done!

Photo by Laurent Guiader, 2007.

This post goes out to Sophie, our amazing 16-year-old daughter. She just finished her first trimester in "second" (equivalent to 10th grade in the US school system) - which is the first year of the French lycée.

I attended the "conseil de classe" on Wednesday at which all the professors, two parent representatives and two student representatives discuss the global and individual progress of the class. It is an honour to attend one of these meetings: one learns so much.

I was very excited to learn that Sophie is third in her class, almost second. Her overall average is 14.07 (out of 20). Her strongest subjects this trimester were English (19.67) and Earth Sciences (15.50), followed by German (15). Great work, Sophie! We're so proud of you.


Anonymous said...

waouh ! ta maman peut être fière de toi ma belle !! bravo Sophie tu as encore très bien travaillé cette année ! je suis fière de toi et tu ne me déçois jamais,c 'est fantastique ! alors, tu rentres à Paris pour ton année de terminale ? j'espère que nous aurons beaucoup d'occasions de nous voir à partir de septembre et que nous pourrons nous présenter nos deux petits caïds !! je t'embrasse très très fort et je pense bien à chacun d'entre vous !

Anonymous said...

BRAVO SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!!

I'm terribly proud, but not really surprised, Sophie is an amazing creature!