As Pablo and I were walking on the
seaside promenade one morning this week, I started thinking about what life must sound like to him (and how it must differ for children growing up in Paris, as Sophie did). Here are the sounds I think he hears, in chronological order:
- Mother singing "Good Morning, Good Morning" in her best Debbie Reynolds voice.
- Deafening birdsong.
- Doors opening and closing. Screen door being pulled to.
- Toilet flushing.
- Flip-flops on the tile.
- Cereal pouring, toast toasting, coffee brewing, fridge opening and closing.
- Water running.
- Dishes clanking.
- Sing-song voice of mother showing him the world.
- His own grunting, cooing, squealing, shouting and crying.
- Sophie's "You're Going to Live, Pablo" voice.
- Laughter.
- Diaper being unscratched.
- Snaps being snapped.
- Kisses in ears.
- Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach and lullabies.
- Washing machine filling and shaking. \Car engine.
- Waves gently crashing.
- Palms rustling.
- Wind.
- Rain.
- Cars driving by, motorcycles too.
- Voices, quiet voices.
- Footsteps, wheels turning.
- Cat meowing.
- Cat food being poured.
- Music on the mobile, music in the play gym.
- Windows log-on jingle, skype jingle.
- Typing.
- Drawers opening and closing.
- Voices from far away.
- Drum sticks being gathered up, drum pads being tapped.
- Bath running.
- Water splashing.
- Papa's deep happy voice.
- Bottle caps being unscrewed.
- Pump pumping.
- Pots and pans being pulled out, put away.
- Phone ringing.
- Football being commentated on the TV.
- Low voices talking about the world.
- Pages being turned.
- Lights being switched off (and on).
I've been told that it is very quiet here. Maybe it doesn't "sound" like it, but I assure you it is. Think about all the different sounds you hear every day, wherever you are. Do you have only 43?