This blog on New Caledonia is for those of you who ever wondered what life on a tiny island in the South Pacific might be like. Tired of bracing winter winds, the stress of an inner city or simply dreaming of a life change? This is a blog about what happens when, in the words of Yogi Berra, "you come to a fork in the road, [and] take it".

21 April 2006

A "New" Caledonian

Pablo Killian Guiader (left, two days old) was born in Nouméa on 7 April 2006 at 12.43. As he was born in New Caledonia, he is by all counts and purposes a brand-new "Caledonian". He is also French and American - due to his parents' nationalities (great combination - wouldn't you say?). We were absolutely thrilled to welcome Pablo in early April and have since been settling in to adjusting to sleepless nights, fun-filled colicky evenings and unexpected but throroughly enjoyable visits from friends and well-wishers. Having a baby is like Christmas every day.

This little blog on New Caledonia has consequently suffered slightly since Pablo's birth, but I hope to post regularly now (once a week to begin with). Do keep coming back for more bits and pieces on life in New Caledonia ... and feel free to let me know what you want to read more about!

Photo by Sophie-Alix Kilcoyne, 2006.


Anonymous said...

Why he is absolutely gorgeous honey and you and Sophie are looking great. Real pleased to see you all looking so happy Julie.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, congrats on your new life! And welcome to your little boy. I know how you feel as I had a BB boy myself last August.


Anonymous said...

What an extra special treat!!!! You becoming a Mommy, me becoming a Grandpa...

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd drop a line to say hello and find out how your were doing, and to my great surprise I came accross the gorgeous picture of a new Caledonian wonder! Félicitations à Maman et Papa, et j'espère que tout va bien.

Françoise (Sigma/OCDE)

Anonymous said...

Julie, it's Susie from Sigma - many many many congratulations on the birth of Pablo! He looks gorgeous! As for your blog and your list of 7 blah blah blahs, I'm fascinated by it all. I'm going to take a lunch hour next week and stay in and read everything. Its sooooo interesting, I wish I'd gotten to know you properly when you were with us. Enjoy bébé! Makes me all broody for another! Biz, Susie

Anonymous said...

You dont kknow me, i'm an american from virginia whose son is there in Noumea. I really enjoy the slice of life you show. Congratulations on your family and your work.

JHG said...

Thanks to all of you for such warm congratulations! It is always nice to share good news!

A special note to "mormhand" - thanks to you as well! And I hope your son is enjoying Nouméa - it is a wonderful place. If there is anything in particular you would like to know about life here, please don't hesitate to ask!

Mormhand said...

Our son is now in Lifou - we just got an email yest from him there, the first one, very short. I imagine internet access there must be more limited than Noumea. Hope you enjoy NZ. We plan to come next summer to NC, with a stop first in NZ to see some friends. Will read your trip report with interest. Bon voyage.